Normally people focus on Venus to see marriage. But Sun represents Dharma - the right way and marriage is integral part of Dharma. So Sun indicates the quality and timing of marriage.

oṃ shri ganeshāya namah
oṃ gurave namah
vyām vedavyāsāya namah
Maharishi Parashara has given this instruction: “Sarvātma cha Divākara” i.e. Divākara or Surya is Sarvātma i.e. all souls, the world soul. We get connected to all the souls around us due to Surya.
Amongst all the grahas Surya or Sun is the one who is most regular and always direct. He travels at the consistent speed of 1 degree everyday and always in direct zodiacal direction. Other planets retrograde at times, while Chandra i.e. Moon may not move very consistently. Hence Surya is considered to represent Dharma because Dharma is always regular and consistent. Hence it is eternal.
Hinduism is also known as Sanātana Dharma or the eternal values or religion. It is focused on ensuring that there is progeny – Santāna which is also the future and that the future are protected. We are supposed to live our lives in such a manner that the future generations can also enjoy the resources of Mother Earth. This is Dharma - that which ensures that righteousness is sustained. Hence marriage or vivāha through which the future is secured is very important in Hindu social life. In Jyotisa next to the Rashi chart, the Navamsa or D-9 is considered the most important chart. It is used to study marriage as well as Dharma.
Maharishi Kapila, who is associated with Kalinga – the land of the Sun, has given the upadesa that Surya should be seen to understand marriage. This is at the level of Karaka or the Benediction of God. This is not basis the individuals mind or his/her decisions.
Since the house related to marriage of Vivaaha is the 7th house, we examine the 7th house from Surya to see how God grants marriage to the individual. This is one of the greatest teachings emanating from the land of Kalinga from Maharishi Kapila.
This 7th house from Surya, not only shows the type of person or marital experience but also the time when this will happen. Another beauty of this teaching is that regarding timing, this conforms very well with normal Vimshottari Dasha.
To illustrate how this is to be seen we will go through few examples
Amitabh Bachchan – Bollywood superstar married Jaya Bhaduri on 3rd Jun 1973 in Sat-Sat

Sun is in Virgo. In our parampara, we consider Rahu as co-lord of Virgo. So there is a parivartana between Rahu and Sun. So 7th house from Sun is actually Aquarius instead of Pisces. Lord of Aquarius – Saturn strongly placed in a kendra gave marriage in it’s own Dasha and Antardasha.
Saturn as Lagnesa well placed in kendra in 4H in a benefic sign giving rajayoga. So Saturn Mahadasha heralded his rise to superstardom which lasted throughout this Dasha. However since Saturn is retrograde he had to face a few failures before tasting success. Many of his initial films flopped till his first major hit Zanjeer was released in 1973 which he co-stared with his soon to be wife Jaya Bhaduri.
Thus we see not only does the Sun-7th house give us the timing of marriage, but also the yogas etc the individual will experience with this.
Jaya Bhaduri-Bachchan – marriage in Venus-Jupiter

7th house from Sun is Virgo. Virgo has Rashi Drishti from Jupiter placed in Sagittarius. Hence Jupiter Antardasha gave marriage. Jupiter is well placed alone in own sign. Lagnesa Moon is in kendra to Jupiter forming the powerful Gajakesari Yoga. Thus this was a fortunate marriage for her, though she may have had to face infidelity from spouse.
The Mahadasha is of Venus again well placed in own sign. Generally when Venus is in own sign, its gets linked to Jupiter. Hence the Mahadasha of Venus and Antardasha of Jupiter gave marriage.
Prince William, Duke of Cambridge – married Catherine Middleton on 29th April 2011 in Sat-Sat

7th house from Sun is Sagittarius, which has Rashi drsti of Saturn.
Saturn is conjoined Mars which is in digbala in 10th house. Amongst kendras the 10th house has strongest influence especially with the yoga of a powerful Mars and Saturn.
He got married in Saturn-Saturn.
Saturn is a not a lord of kendra or trikona bhava, so its weak placement in a kendra is desirable. While on the other hand 5th lord Mars is very beneficial for Sagittarius Lagna and its strong placement in digbala and conjoined its exaltation lord Saturn is very auspicious. 5th lord Mars is placed in a benefic even Prithvi sign – thus promising lot of progeny. They have three children.
Kate Middleton or Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge married in Mercury-Mercury

7th house from Sun is Gemini, lorded by Mercury. She was married in Mercury-Mercury.
Here Mercury is joined Venus, karaka of 7th house in the 7th house. Their dispositor Saturn as a kendra lord is weak in a bad house, which is a desirable placement. Again interestingly, just like in the case of Prince William, the 5th lord is Mars and strong because of conjunction with Saturn. The kendras are blessed with only benefic occupancy. Jupiter as 9th lord in 4th house alone in a benefic sign is a great blessing. Being 9th lord it shows influence or recognition at a global level. William and Catherine have a generally positive image across the globe.
Thus we find that in all the cases we have seen till now the 7th house from Sun has a strong influence on the timing of marriage. The teachings and methods of Maharishis are sure shot and can be relied upon blindly. This is one of the most important teachings of my Guru parampara. As we see here this method works in every case – both in terms of timing of result as well as the nature of experience.
Jaya Gurudev