oṃ gurave namaḥ
oṃ mahagaṇapataye namaḥ
oṃ namo nārāyaṇāya
Graha Mantras from Garuda Purāṇa
The best mantras for Grahas are those given in the Vedas and Purāṇas.
Here are the graha mantras from Garuḍa Purāṇa, Chapter 16 - Viṣṇu Dhyāna
ṛṣi bhṛgu
sūrya - oṃ khakolkāya namaḥ
this is the mula mantra of sūrya
Nyāsa mantras
oṃ vici ṭha ṭha
oṃ jñānine ṭha ṭha
oṃ sahasraraśmaye ṭha ṭha
oṃ sarvatejoSadhipataye ṭha ṭha
oṃ jvala jvala prajvala prajvala ṭha ṭha
Surya Gāyatri -
oṃ ādityāya vidmahe viśvabhāvāya dhīmahi tannaḥ sūryaḥ pracodayāt
With this Gāyatri, the worshipper should perform the Sakali-karaṇa rite
For the 8 directions
Purva, East - oṃ dharmātmane namaḥ
Dakṣina, South - oṃ yamāya namaḥ
Paścima, West - oṃ daṇḍanāyakāya namaḥ
Uttara, North - oṃ vivarṇāya namaḥ
Īśāna koṇa, NE - oṃ śyāmapiṇgalāya namaḥ
Agni koṇa, SE - oṃ dīkṣitāya namaḥ
Nairṛtya koṇa, SW - oṃ vajrapāṇaye namaḥ
Vāyu koṇa, NW - oṃ bhūrbhuvaḥ svarnamaḥ
Graha mantras for different directions
Purva, East - oṃ candrāya nakṣatrādhipataye namaḥ
Agni Kona, SE - oṃ aṇgārakāya kṣitisutāya namaḥ
Dakṣina, South - om budhāya somaputrāya namaḥ
Nairṛtya Kona, SW - oṃ vāgiśvarāya sarvavidyādhipataye namaḥ
Paścima, West - oṃ śukrāya mahaṛṣaye bhṛgusutāya namaḥ
Vāyu Kona, NW - oṃ śanaiścarāya suryātmajāya namaḥ
Uttara, North - oṃ rāhave namaḥ
Iśāna, NE - oṃ ketave namaḥ
It is interesting to note that all the graha mantras except those of the Sattvic planets Candra and Guru, are referring to them as children of their parent. For Candra and Guru, the mantra refers to their overlordship of all Naksatras and all Vidyas.
The direction mapping of the grahas, maps to the Kalachakra scheme to some extent, but diverges in case of Moon and its nodes. In the Kalachakra, NE is ruled by Rahu, while Moon rules the North. Sun itself rules the East and Ketu doesnt rule any of the planar directions.