Śubhapati - Lord of Moon sign ensures your sustenance in this world by giving you skillsets that help you earn a living - thus it has huge bearing on profession of an individual

In Jyotish, unlike Western Astrology, Chandra or Moon has a great importance. Traditionally children are given names basis the sounds related to Moon’s Nakshatra pada. Indeed amongst the panchanga, most people tend to focus on Nakshatra and truly a person’s Moon Nakshatra or Janma Nakshatra has a big influence on their psyche, their thinking as well as their health. Moon is also read for longevity.
Lord Shiva carries the Chandrakala or digit of Moon on his forehead. This is to show that Lord Shiva gives Kalyanam or happiness, contentment. The deeper significance is that Moon is related to mind or manas in Jyotish. If the mind is happy, we are happy. Most people practically identify with their mind.
Technically Manas is that organ of the antahkarana or inner self that specifically gathers information from the senses or indriyas and basis interactions with buddhi, ahamkara and chitta i.e. intellect, ego and memory gives the directions to indriyas, specifically karmendriyas on how to act or respond to the stimuli. But in general practical context, manas is typically equated with the entire range of mental functions - of sensual perception, intellectual analysis, memory retrieval as well as the final decision making basis one’s ego.
Hence after enunciating that Sun is the world soul or Sarvatma, Maharishi Parashara states – “manah kumuda bāndhava” i.e. Moon is the mind. The words “kumuda” and “bāndhava” have very deep significance. But we will go into that some other time. But remember that in the Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna while replying to Arjuna stated that “mind is your biggest friend and verily your biggest enemy”. And we do find, this so true in our world where so many people suffer with mental ailments, even driving them to suicide.
But lets dwell on something more wholesome today. The dispositor of Moon i.e. the lord of Moon sign is also a very important graha and is defined as Śubhapati. Śubha is something auspicious, fortunate, very good for the person. It leads to prosperity and ensures sustenance. It also means learned. This indicates that the Śubhapati gives you some learning, some skillsets and these skills can ensure your prosperity and livelihood in this world. Moon indicates food – so its dispositor can give you food, which keeps you alive.
Based again on the shloka of Maharishi Parashara referred to earlier, we can understand the various skills that each of the weekday planets as Śubhapati can give. Following is in my Guru’s own words which I am just reproducing for everybody’s benefit.
Sun: Atma (you can understand people and gather people for an objective)
Moon: Manas (you can understand peoples mind)
Mars: Satva (you have great strength - Yoga or fitness instructor, coach, leader, guide)
Merc: vāk (speech and communication)
Jup: Devajña (great knowledge that goes beyond the boundaries of the earth and gives happiness)
Venus: Ihalokasukha (a real happiness on this earth)
Śani: dukha (ability to carry terrible and deep burdens and sorrows - excellent doctors)
Please note that this is not exactly the profession of a person. But it indicates what specific activity or skillset you use in your profession, whatever profession it may be – that will put food on your plate i.e. give you sustenance.
For e.g. what if Venus is the Shubhapati, and one is an engineer and say Venus is also the 9L in Dasamsa. Then by pleasing your superiors, ensuring that they are comfortable, you will take care of your own sustenance. This is important to understand, because if the instead if we were to replace Venus with Mars in the above context, then the engineer should focus on technical abilities, using logic and indepth technical understanding to lead projects. If it was Saturn – then he/she should focus more on troubleshooting, getting people, systems etc out of mess and so on. So one can use this knowledge of Shubhpati to fine-tune one’s focus areas whatever be their profession.
Let us see a few cases.

Swami Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati – Paramacharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham
Not that a great spiritual figure like Paramacharya has to use skillsets for his own sustenance as his entire life was devoted to guiding and serving others. But we do see that Shubhapati is Mars. Mars is vargottama being in same sign in Rashi and Navamsa. So very strong and giving blessing of Rishis.
With his deep knowledge and understanding of our scriptures he led the society in Dharmic path and through his talks, writings and personal impact on others he cleared lot of misperceptions, giving right technical understanding of our scriptures in an age when colonial influence had disconnected many from their traditional moorings.
Mars also focusses on protection and there are so many real life incidents, quite miraculous, wherein his advance warning protected some followers from mishap. He has saved lives and protected livelihood of so many followers. Moon is Putrakaraka here and in digbala indicating that followers will benefit from him. Moon is in nicha but getting nichabhanga due to Shubhapati Mars, so due to his guidance the nicha or lowly state of so many of students and followers was dispelled.
One can also state that the other lord of Moon sign, Ketu is with Saturn. And Saturn ensured that he removed the dukkha or sorrow of many people.

Amitabh Bachchan
Shubhapati is Venus. Venus giving skills in entertaining others. Amitabh is known as the complete package – he was a versatile actor who has acted in many genres – he could do comedy, action, drama and what not. His initial success was basis an “angry young man” image – with Ven conjoining Mars in 8H.
Its also joined exalted Mercury – he is well known for his deep baritone, commanding voice. His voice is unique and he is known for his excellent communication skills especially in his comeback avatar as host of the popular show Kaun Banega Crorepati, where he mixed his charm and humor to attract audiences to watch his show again and again. Mer is also money and winning a huge prize money was the biggest attraction of the show apart from Mr Amitabh himself.
Venus is PuK – again showing a huge following and fandom. Its also lord of Ghatika Lagna, Varnada Lagna and Arudha Lagna. Thus giving power and influence, earning and reputation.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
Moon in own sign, so Shubhapati is Moon itself. Moon gives the ability to understand the minds of others and a charismatic leader of the freedom struggle he captured the minds and hearts of people.
Moon is the Atma Karaka, so it is doing the karma of the soul. Moon is in Papakartari Yoga and Bandhana Yoga due to Saturn and Rahu due to which he was repeatedly jailed or put in confinement.
But Moon in own sign is very strong and its exaltation lord Venus is also extremely strong in digbala in own sign, giving Malavya Mahapurusha Yoga. So he is able to win freedom for his nation.

Sir C V Raman – Physicist, first Asian Nobel Laureate. Known for the eponymous Raman effect dealing with the scattering of light
Shubhapati is Jupiter, who gives very high level of knowledge and happiness due to this knowledge.
Jup and Ven together form the auspicious dvi-guru yoga in 2H of Kula. He was born in a traditional Brahmin family and was blessed with great education. His father was also a teacher of maths and physics. This is also yoga of Lagnesa and 3rd Lord which is a Dhimanta Yoga, giving him sharp intelligence. He was a precocious child who passed matriculation at age of 11 and got a scholarship at age of 13 for higher studies. He joined college in his 15th year. By age 19, he had completed M.A. and already published his first scientific paper. Thus Jupiter blesses him with high level of academic excellence at an early age.
In 1930 he won the Nobel Prize for Physics for his discovering of the scattering effect of Light, which is popularly known as the Raman effect. The original source of light is Sun and Sun is in Lagna conjoined 9L Mer which is in digbala. The Arudha of 7H or A7 is responsible for accolades and prizes and this is in Leo, of which Sun is the lord. Sun is getting nicabhanga due to being in kendra and also due Saturn in kendra in 10H. Saturn is also a Yogakaraka giving a Rajayoga by conjunction with Rah in 10H. It was with the beginning of Rahu-Saturn from Jan 1928 that he alongwith his student Krishnan discovered the scattering effect.
9L Mer in Lagna gave world-wide fame. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Rahu-Mercury in Nov 1930. As per Hoda Chakra the sound “ra” is in Libra which is his Lagna. Mer as 9L in Lagna is itself a Yogakaraka and it makes his name famous – thus the name “Raman effect”. It should be noted that his actual given name is Venkata Raman. But he and his discovery are both well known as Raman.
One negative point here is the yuddha between Moon and Mars. Mars is Putrakaraka and it is replaced by Saturn as PuK, who is also Yogakaraka having mutual rashi drsti with Lagnesa Venus. So his student Krishnan didn’t get any recognition though he was equally responsible for the discovery of Raman effect. And later in life, Raman would speak disparagingly of his former student.
We have seen through several examples that Shubhapati gives us very important skillsets and especially if this planet is auspicious, well placed etc then it is one of the biggest blessings for the chart. Intriguingly there seems to be some link between PuK and Moon or Shubhapati in the cases of people who are well known and have large following.
Even in Nehru’s case where I have not commented on it, there is a link between PuK and Mo/Shubhapati. Due to Chara Karaka replacement, the new PuK is Jupiter which is in own sign, so hence as per traditional teaching we consider Moon to give the result. And Moon is Shubhpati itself in Lagna giving him a huge personal following.
ओन्नमश्शिवाय। 🙏🏼 महोदय।
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I have read this article, सूर्यः & धर्मः, It's as good as the description how आचार्य पण्डितसञ्जयरथः do.
I just would like to ask something regarding my शुभपतिः, my शुभपतिः is चन्द्रः itself (my चन्द्रः is in कर्काटकराशिः) in अष्टमस्थानम् i.e., it's in मरणकारकस्थानम्। चन्द्रः alone in 8th. Although गुरुः & सूर्यः are in लग्नम् (धनुर्लग्नम्), But explicitly what do you comment for चन्द्रः being शुभपतिः in 8th house & also he being in मरणकारकस्थानम्। I feel that नारायणाष्टाक्षरी helps in this matter. What do you say?
Thanks in anticipation & also